Endeca Guided Search - Pre-requisites
In order to setup Oracle Endeca Commerce on RHL the following requirements are needed:- An oracle user
- A folder, owned by the oracle user, for the product binaries, possibly in the file-system root (in this how-to we are assuming that the main installation folder is set to /u01/oracle).
- A static ip-address and the hostname mapped in the /etc/hosts file.
- Oracle Endeca MDEX engine.
- Oracle Endeca PlatformServices.
- Oracle Endeca Content Acquisition System.
- Oracle Endeca ToolsAndFrameworks.
- DOS2UNIX package has to be installed if not: yum install dos2unix
Endeca Guided Search - Server Installation
Step 1 - Install the Oracle Endeca MDEX engine
Unzip the Oracle Endeca MDEX package and run the follow command (replace the ? with the version of the file in use):chmod +x mdex?????.sh
./mdex???????.sh --target /u01/oracle
At the end of the process instead running the script as suggested open it and copy and paste the variables declaration into the .bash_profile file then reload the profile. Run the follow command to check that the MDEX root folder has been set in the environment
Create an apps folder under the main Endeca installation folder.
Step 2 - Install the Oracle Endeca PlatformServices
Unzip the Oracle Endeca PlatformServices package and run the follow command (replace the ? with the version of the file in use):chmod +x platformservices?????.sh
./platformservices?????.sh --target /u01/oracle
During the setup process provide:
- The Endeca HTTP service port, by default is set to 8888 (use this port if not already binded by other processes).
- The Endeca HTTP shutdown service port, by default is set to 8090 (use this port if not already binded by other processes).
- The Endeca Control System JCD port , by default is set to 8088 (use this port if not already binded by other processes).
- Type Y to install the EAC agent.
- The MDEX full path included with the version number (ie. /u01/oracle/endeca/MDEX/6.5.0)
- Type Y to install reference implementations.
Step 3 - Install the Oracle Endeca Tools And Framework
Unzip the Oracle Endeca Tools and Frameworks package and run the runInstaller.sh file located under the install sub-directory in the Disk1 folder. Then follow the steps below:- Click Next on the welcome page
- Accept the licence agreement
- Specify inventory directory and credential and click Next
- Specify installation type, for development machine install the Full version as it contains reference
- application, then click Next
- Specify home details and click Next
- Provide administrator password for Workbench console and click Next
- Review installation options and click on Install
- Run the inventory script as root before closing the window
- Click on Exit
Step 4 - Install the Oracle Endeca Content Acquisition System
Unzip the Oracle Endeca Content Acquisition System package and run the follow command (replace the ? with the version of the file in use):chmod +x cas?????.sh
./cas?????.sh --target /u01/oracle
During the setup process provide:
- The Endeca CAS service port, by default is set to 8500(use this port if not already binded by other processes).
- The Endeca CAS shutdown service port, by default is set to 8506(use this port if not already binded by other processes).
- The ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT and ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF should already been defined in the system and the Content Acquisition System will retrieve this information from the user profile so this step will be skipped by default.
- Provide the hostname of the machine on which CAS is installed
Step 5 - Validating the Oracle Endeca Commerce setup
In order to validate the setup start the Endeca services as follow:- Start PlatformServices using the startup.sh script in /u01/oracle/endeca/PlatformServices/11.0.0/tools/server/bin
- Start the Content Acquisition System using the cas-service.sh script in /u01/oracle/endeca/CAS/11.0.0/bin (better start this service in background using the command nohup ./cas-service.sh &)
- Start the Workbench using the startup.sh script in /u01/oracle/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.0.0/server/bin
- Connect to the Workbench console available at http://<host>:8006 and check that in the console page a Data
- Control section appears (to confirm that the CAS has been successfully installed, also if this console is accessible then the CAS is running on the host).
Step 6 - Try to deploy the reference application
To deploy the reference application run the deployment template pointing the discovery reference application.Follow this step:
Access to the deployment template folder under ToolsAndFrameworks (ie. /u01/oracle/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.0.0/deployment_template/bin)
- Run the deployment command ./deploy.sh --app /u01/oracle/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.0.0/reference/discover-data-catalogintegration/deploy.xml
- Press Return
- Digit Y and press Return
- Provide an application name (ie. test)
- Provide the deployment directory (/u01/oracle/endeca/apps)
- provide the EAC port (by default is 8888)
- Provide the CAS installation folder (ie. /u01/oracle/endeca/CAS/11.0.0)
- Provide teh CAS version (ie. 11.0.0)
- Provide the hostname where CAS is running
- Provide the CAS port (byd efault is 8500)
- Provide the default language (by edfault is english)
- Provide the Workbench port (by default is 8006)
- Provide the port that the catalogue should use for the DGraph process (if not already used accept the default value 15000)
- Provide the port that the catalogue should use for the Authoring DGraph process (if not already used accept the default value 15002)
- Provide the port that the catalogue should use for the Log server process (if not already used accept the default value 15010)
- Press return
- Press return
- Access to the control folder located under the main application catalogue folder.
- Run the ./initialize_services.sh script
- Run the script ./load_baseline_test_data.sh
- Run the script ./baseline_update.sh
- Run the script ./promote_content.sh
- Access to the reference application (http://<host>:8006/endeca_jspref) provide as host localhost and as port the DGraph port provided during the application deployment phase (in this case 15000) and check that the data has been succesfully loaded
Optional: Assembler service application Deployment
- Copy the folder ENDECA SERVER/ToolsAndFrameworks/3.1.2/reference/discover-service into a folder with a different name (for instance new-discover-service) within the same folder (so you'll have ENDECA SERVER/ToolsAndFrameworks/3.1.2/reference/new-discover-service).
- Edit the ENDECA SERVER /ToolsAndFrameworks/3.1.2/reference/new-discover-service/WEB-INF/assembler.properties with the correct port and host of the application previously deployed (Step 6).
- Copy the file ENDECA_SERVER/ToolsAndFrameworks/3.1.2/server/workspace/conf/Standalone/localhost/discover.xml into a file with a different name (for instance new-discover-service.xml), customize it with the path of the application created at point 1 (ENDECA SERVER/ToolsAndFrameworks/3.1.2/reference/new-discover-service), and copy the file into the same folder (so you'll have ENDECA_SERVER/ToolsAndFrameworks/3.1.2/server/workspace/conf/Standalone/localhost/new-discover-service.xml).
- Access to the Assembler application just deployed via REST interface using this url (update host and port if you need):<SearchKeyword>
Please let me know for any issues!!!
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